Trailer Park

Below, you’ll find 50+ trailers and other clippage of films, covering the majority of Nastassja’s filmography – if you haven’t seen any of them, they’ll give you an idea of whether or not you want to track the movies down. Most are the official trailers, where available; where not, I’ve tried to find compilations of footage. However, there are a few which still completely escaped my YouTube search skills – the TV movies and European films were especially hard to track down. So if you find any that are not included, please let me know, as I’d like this to be as complete as possible.

Obviously, the trailer contain varying amounts of Kinski, depending on the importance of her role. Some, such as Playing By Heart, are down at the “may contain traces” level, where if you blink, you might miss her entirely. Then again, that’s a fairly accurate representation of the film too!


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